The report investigates the threats and opportunities for the country from climate change, focusing on the risks to infrastructure, business and public health. It also provides an update on previous analysis on flooding, and considers the current capacity in the emergency response system to handle climate extremes.
This is the third in a series of annual reports from the Adaptation Sub-Committee exploring what should be done in England to prepare for climate change. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have separate adaptation programmes.
Supporting data
- Chapter 2 – Exhibits
- Chapter 3 – Exhibits
- Chapter 4 – Exhibits
- Chapter 5 – Exhibits
- Chapter 6 – Exhibits
Supporting research
- Amec (2014) for the Adaptation Sub-Committee. Survey of a sample of development applications within flood risk areas and data tables.
- HR Wallingford (2014) for the Adaptation Sub-Committee. Preliminary expected annual households flooded (EAHF) analysis based on 2013 NaFRA household counts.
- Jenco Consultancy Ltd and Climate Resilience Ltd (2014) for the Adaptation Sub-Committee. Research to ascertain the proportion of block paving sales in England that are permeable.
- BRE for the Adaptation Sub-Committee (2014). The risks to housing from overheating.
Related Publications
- Indicators to assess the exposure of critical infrastructure in England to current and projected climate hazards
- Current and future risk to the chemicals, paper and mining and quarrying industries (by WRc)
- Estimating global value chain impacts associated with UK consumption (by University of Leeds)
- Indicators to assess the resilience of health and emergency planning in England (by HR Wallingford)
- Approached to account for current and future climate hazards (by HR Wallingford)