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CCC to report on new aviation emissions cap – 1 December 2008

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has been asked by the Government to conduct a review into aviation in the UK to ensure that emissions are limited to below 2005 levels in 2050. This follows on from the Government’s announcement today that it is giving the go ahead for a third runway to be built at Heathrow Airport.

The CCC has been asked to provide a report by December on the measures required to ensure that aviation emissions can be constrained within the limit set by the Government.

Chair of the CCC Lord Turner said: “We are pleased to have been asked to conduct this very important review into aviation emissions. In order to avoid dangerous climate change it is vital that emissions of greenhouse gases in the UK are reduced by at least 80% in 2050. International aviation and shipping must be part of the Government’s climate change strategy and commitments should be made to reduce emissions in these sectors”.

Download the press release- CCC to report on new aviation emissions cap
