Four times as many households and businesses in England* could be at risk of flooding in the next twenty years if further steps are not taken to prepare for climate change, says a new report published today by the Government’s advisers on climate change adaptation.
The report, prepared by the Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) of the Committee on Climate Change, advises than increasing investment and ensuring more careful planning of new housing in the floodplain, can reduce the risk of flooding by almost four times what it would have been in 2035 without action.
Lord John Krebs, Chair of the Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change said:
“Extreme weather is likely to become more common in the future as a result of climate change. Flooding and drought are two of the most significant climate risks. Flooding, as we have seen recently, can have a devastating impact on people’s lives and livelihoods. How we adapt to these risks will be critically important to our future resilience: whether it’s deciding not to pave over our gardens; or building in less exposed areas.
“We must take adaptation more seriously if we are to manage the growing risks of floods and droughts. This can be done by investing more in flood defences, faster roll-out of water meters and giving serious consideration to where and how we build our housing and infrastructure. Without action by households and businesses to prepare for these inevitable weather extremes the country faces rising costs, unnecessary damage and future disruption.”