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CCC congratulates former Chief Executive on OBE

The former Chief Executive of the Committee on Climate Change, Matthew Bell, has received an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list in recognition of his contribution to combatting climate change.

Matthew, who served as CCC Chief Executive for three years (2014 to 2017), led a range of important work during his tenure. This included advice to Government on the level of the Fifth Carbon Budget – and its subsequent approval in line with the Committee’s recommendation – and the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) evidence report. The CCRA evidence report underpins the Government’s 2017 assessment of climate change risks and opportunities for the UK.

In all, Matthew oversaw the publication of around 20 major reports during his time at the CCC; from advice to the Scottish Government on setting and meeting carbon targets, to in-depth assessment of the compatibility of exploiting unconventional oil and gas with action to reduce emissions UK-wide and in Scotland – and much more besides.

Paul Johnson, who has served on the Committee on Climate Change since 2012, was also recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours. He received a CBE for services to Social Sciences and Economics in his capacity as Director of the widely respected Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).

The Committee warmly congratulates Matthew Bell and Paul Johnson on their achievements.