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CCC welcomes independent report on climate change and health

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) today welcomes a new independent report on climate change and health commissioned as part of its work to advise Government on the level of the UK’s Sixth Carbon Budget.

The new report to the Committee, led by UCL’s Professor Sir Michael Marmot, is one of many new pieces of evidence that the Committee is considering as it formulates its recommendations on the Sixth Carbon Budget.

The Sixth Budget advice, due to be delivered to Ministers on 9 December, will recommend a limit on the volume of greenhouse gases the UK can emit in the period 2033-2037.

Sir Michael is Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London and Director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity.

The CCC’s Chief Executive, Chris Stark, said:

“I really welcome this important report to the CCC and I thank Sir Michael and his team. This is the first time the Committee has commissioned such detailed research on the potential benefits to public health of tackling climate change. The Committee has taken a keen interest in Sir Michael’s findings; there is no doubt that reducing polluting emissions has significant health benefits. We will provide detailed recommendations in this area as part of our Sixth Carbon Budget advice to Government on 9 December.”

Sir Michael Marmot’s independent report to the CCC is available here.
