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Initial response – UK Government’s Net Zero Strategy

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has issued an initial response to the UK Government’s just-published Net Zero Strategy.

Chris Stark, Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee said:

“We didn’t have a plan before, now we do. This is a substantial step forward that lays out clearly the government’s ambitions to cut emissions across the economy over the coming 15 years and beyond. It provides much more clarity about what lies ahead for businesses and individuals and the key actions required in the coming decades to deliver a Net Zero nation. It also gives the UK a strong basis to be president of the forthcoming COP26 summit. The critical next step is turning words into deeds. We have begun to assess the strategy in more detail and the extent to which the policies proposed in this strategy deliver their ambition.”

Notes to editors:

  • The Climate Change Committee will publish a fuller assessment of the Net Zero Strategy in the coming days.
