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International Climate Council Network launches to support global climate action

A new network of international climate advisory councils, the first of its kind in the world, is being launched as global leaders gather at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.

The network is made up of 21 leading climate advisory bodies, including the UK Climate Change Committee, the Finnish Climate Change Panel, and the Chilean Scientific Committee on Climate Change, alongside many others. Participant councils provide independent, expert advice to governments – 8 of the councils advise countries which are in the G20.

In an inaugural letter to Heads of Government, the COP President, Alok Sharma, and UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Patricia Espinosa, Climate Council Chairs say that the Glasgow summit must mark the start of a new phase of climate action – a decade of implementation. The network stands ready to support Governments in the delivery of that goal though the provision of expert, evidence-led advice to inform climate policy and robust, independent evaluation to measure progress, the Chairs write.

The launch of the ICCN network follows a series of successful, virtual meetings between international Climate Councils earlier this year. Its mission is to foster collaboration between Climate Councils and support the development of new Councils to guide and oversee delivery of climate change mitigation and adaptation action globally.

In their letter, Council Chairs urge all Governments to consider establishing a Climate Council or equivalent structure of their own in line with its key principles for effective operation. These are: robust climate science; a commitment to independent, evidence-based advice; regard for the socio-economic aspects of the transition; the need for impartial consultation with stakeholders and a focus on mitigation, adaptation, and delivering a just transition.

CCC Chairman, Lord Deben, said: “Global climate action requires global collaboration, and this new network of climate councils is a genuine example of cooperation between expert climate advisers all over the world. I am delighted to see the Network get off the ground. Its ambition is to offer the highest calibre of evidence-based, independent advice on climate change mitigation and adaptation. It will share experiences and learning while doing so and together we will support governments in delivering the Paris Agreement.”


Participants in the International Climate Councils Network (ICCN) include:

Climate Change Authority (Australia) Canadian Institute for Climate Choices & Net-Zero Advisory Body (Canada)
Comité Científico de Cambio Climático [Scientific Committee on Climate Change] (Chile) Consejo Científico de Cambio Climático (4C) [Scientific Council on Climate Change Panel] (Costa Rica)
Klimarådet [Council on Climate Change] (Denmark) Suomen Ilmastopaneeli [Climate Change Panel] (Finland)
Haut conseil pour le climat [High council on climate] (France) Expertenrat für Klimafragen [Council of Experts on Climate Change] (Germany)
Ειδική Επιστημονική Επιτροπή για την Αντιμετώπιση της Κλιματικής Αλλαγής [National Scientific Climate Change Council] (Greece) Consejo Nacional de Cambio Climático  [National Council on Climate Change] (Guatemala)
Loftslagsráð [Climate Council] (Iceland) An Chomhairle Chomhairleach um Athrú Aeráide [Climate Change Advisory Council] (Ireland)
Consejo Consultivo de Cambio Climático [Advisory Council on Climate Change] (Mexico) Climate Change Commission (New Zealand)
National Panel of Technical Experts Climate Change Commission (Philippines) Presidential Climate Commission (South Africa)
Klimatpolitiska Rådet [Climate Policy Council] & Nationella Expertrådet för Klimatanpassning [National Expert Council for Climate Adaptation] (Sweden) Organe consultatif sur les changements climatiques [Advisory Body on Climate Change] (Switzerland)
Climate Change Committee (United Kingdom)

