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Contact us

You can contact the Committee in a variety of ways:

For urgent press enquiries only, please call or text the Press Office on +44 (0)7393 003164. Please do not text or call this number unless you are a member of the news media.

For non-urgent press enquiries, please email media@theccc.org.uk. This is not monitored on the evenings and weekends.

For speaking, meeting and event invitations for the Committee, Chief Executive and the Chief Economist, please email the Private Office on private.office@theccc.org.uk or call +44 (0) 7502 892179.

For any further enquiries, please email enquiries@theccc.org.uk. We are a small organisation with fixed resources to carry out our statutory duties. We read all of the correspondence we receive, but we are unable to offer detailed responses to enquiries.

Frequently asked questions

How can I make an FOI request?

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act gives you the right to ask us for recorded information we hold on any subject that falls under our remit. Please fill out the contact form below inserting ‘Freedom of Information request’ at the top of the message and take a look at our guidance prior to making a request for information.

How can I make a complaint?

If you have a complaint about the way we operate, please provide details by contacting us using enquiries@theccc.org.uk. We welcome your comments, suggestions and details of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. We deal with all complaints confidentially. To help us process your complaint please indicate:

  • the part of the organisation or team that is relevant to your complaint and a contact name (if you know this)
  • whether it is an original complaint or a follow-up to a reply you were not satisfied with
  • in a clear way, the nature of your complaint and what you would like us to do to sort things out

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our investigation of your complaint, you can write to us to ask for a further review of your complaint. If you are still dissatisfied after the conclusion of our complaints procedure, you can ask for your complaint and its handling to be investigated by the Ombudsman. To do this, you must write to a Member of Parliament (this does not have to be your local MP) asking that they refer your complaint to the Ombudsman. Usually, before you complain, the Ombudsman expects you to have first put your complaint to the CCC through its complaints procedure. If you are in any doubt about whether your case is suitable for referral to the Ombudsman, contact the Ombudsman’s helpline on 0345 015 4033 for guidance.

How can I find information about copyright?

Read more in this guidance.