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Assessment of options to reduce emissions from fossil fuel production and fugitive emissions (Element Energy)

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) commissioned Element Energy and the Imperial College Consultants / The Sustainable Gas Institute to assess the scope to reduce emissions from fossil fuel production and fugitive emissions to inform the CCC’s assessment of how the UK could reach net-zero emissions.

The outputs of this work, including baseline emissions estimates, abatement technology potential, costs and potential technology deployment rates, were used to inform recommendations in the CCC’s Net-Zero reports.

The study found that measures to reduce methane venting and leakage, fuel switching and CCS could help reduce direct emissions from the sources considered by 64-88% from 2016 levels by 2040. This fall also accounts for changes to baseline emissions, caused, for example, by changes in levels of fossil fuel production and use.

This supported the Net-Zero Technical report.
