1. Outline
Building a low-carbon economy – the UK’s contribution to tackling climate change was published on 1 December 2008 and contains the CCC’s recommendations on the 2050 emissions reduction target and advises on the levels of the UK’s first three legally binding carbon budgets for 2008-2022.
2. Individual chapters
Part I: The 2050 target
Part II: Setting and meeting the first three budgets
3. The first three budgets: summary analysis and recommendations
4. Carbon markets and carbon prices
5. Decarbonising electricity generation
6. Energy use in buildings and industry
7. Reducing domestic transport emissions
Part III: Extending the carbon budget framework?
8. International aviation and shipping
Part IV: Wider economic and social considerations
10. Competitiveness challenges and opportunities
11. Economic costs and fiscal implications
14. Differences in national circumstances
Read our simple guide to understanding Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC) Curves.
3. Supporting research
The CCC commissioned research from a number of consultants to inform its advice on carbon budgets and targets. Consultancy reports are listed below according to the chapter that they support and can be accessed and downloaded by clicking on the relevant link.
Chapter 1: Setting a 2050 Target
Chapter 2: Meeting a 2050 Target
- AEA (2008) MARKAL-MED model runs of long term carbon reduction targets in the UK (1)
- AEA (2008) MARKAL-MED model runs of long term carbon reduction targets in the UK (2)
- Neil Strachan (2008) Peer Review of MARKAL-MED model runs of long term carbon reduction targets in the UK (1)
- Neil Strachan (2008) Peer Review of MARKAL-MED model runs of long term carbon reduction targets in the UK (2)
Chapter 3: Decarbonising electricity generation
- Oxford Economics (2008) Review of the BERR Energy Demand Model
- Oxford Economics (2008) Estimation of households demand for gas and electricity
- Oxford Economics (2008) Re-estimation of the BERR Energy Demand Model industry equations
- Paul Watkiss Associates (2008) Review of Methodological Approaches for Setting UK Carbon Budgets
- Paul Watkiss Associates (2008) Review of Methodological Approaches for Setting UK Carbon Budgets: APPENDICES
Chapter 6: Energy use in buildings and industry
- BRE (2008) MAC Curves for the Domestic and Non-Domestic Building Sectors – Technical Documentation
- AEA (2008) Review and update of UK abatement cost curves for the industrial, domestic and non-domestic sectors
Chapter 7: Reducing domestic transport emissions
- Rail Carbon Trajectory Working Group (May 2008) Rail Transport submission to the CCC
- Alan McKinnon (Feb 2008) Advice on CO2 Emissions from the UK Freight Transport Sector
- David Banister (2007) Land Use, Planning and Infrastructure Issues in Transport
- Phil Goodwin (2007) Carbon Abatement in Transport, Review of Demand Responses
Chapter 8: International Aviation & Shipping
- QinetiQ (October 2008) Aviation CO2 Emissions Abatement Potential from Technology Innovation
- AEA (September 2008) Greenhouse gas emissions from shipping: trends, projections and abatement potential
Chapter 9: Non-CO2 Gases
- Scottish Agricultural College (2008) UK Marginal Abatement Cost Curves for the Agriculture and Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry Sectors out to 2022, with Qualitative Analysis of Options to 2050
- Eunomia (2008), Development of marginal abatement cost curves for the waste sector
Chapter 11: Economic costs and fiscal implications
- Christopher Pissarides (2008) Assessment of macroeconomic transmission mechanisms and modelling options for carbon constraints through the UK economy
- Cambridge Econometrics (2008) Projections of UK CO2 emissions and assessment of the economic impacts of carbon budgets
- BRE (2008) Potential effects of the CCC’s proposed carbon budgets on fuel poverty
4. Technical appendices
Chapter 1: Projecting global emissions, concentrations and temperatures
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3: The First Three Budgets
- Alternative reference projections: DECC Energy and Emissions model and Cambridge Econometrics MDM-E3
- The Committee on Climate Change reference emissions projections
Chapter 5: Decarbonising electricity generation
Chapter 6: Energy Use in Buildings and Industry
Chapter 7: Reducing Domestic Transport Emissions
Chapter 14: Differences in National Circumstances