This report finds that there is a need to cut imported emissions as well as those produced in the UK. Imported emissions have grown in line with incomes, and reflecting the low share of manufacturing in UK GDP.
This report examines both the size of UK’s carbon footprint and the impact of low-carbon policies on UK competitiveness. It aims to provide a more complete picture of our contribution to climate change and help shape the future of climate change policy.
Summary report:-
- Reducing the UK’s carbon footprint and managing competitiveness risks
- Supporting data
- Launch presentation
Supporting data:-
Supporting research:-
- Leeds University (2013) –
Estimating emissions associated with future UK consumption patterns - Ricardo AEA (2013) – Current and future lifecycle emissions of key low-carbon technologies and alternatives
- ICF and Cambridge Econometrics (2013) – Assessment of competitiveness impacts of carbon budgets on electro-intensive sectors to 2030