1. Outline
The Climate Change Committee (CCC) commissioned Eunomia to undertake work to support the development of a suite of indicators and trajectories that can be used by the CCC to track progress in the development of the UK heat pump market.
2. Key messages
- In total 70 indicators have been identified to track over time, of which 19 are core which means they are fundamental to the development of the heat pump market, and 51 are contextual, which means they would be useful to track but are not necessarily foundational in the development of the market.
- The indicators and trajectories presented in this report will need reviewing over time as the market develops.
- This research has identified several data gaps for core indicators, where there is either no data, or a perceived lack of robust data.
- It is recommended that government ensure that this data is collected in an independent and robust manor as early as possible.