Home / Publications / Impact of real-world driving on emissions from UK cars and vans

Impact of real-world driving on emissions from UK cars and vans

The Committee on Climate Change commissioned Element Energy and ICCT to understand in more detail the specific contributions to the emissions gap for the UK car and van fleet.

  • This research also examines the potential long-term impact of new laboratory and on-road test procedures and the extent to which they can close the gap.
  • Passenger cars and vans contribute to 17% of the UK’s total carbon dioxide emissions, and therefore have an important role to play in meeting future CO2 targets.
  • Despite rapid falls in the official CO2 emissions of new cars sold in the UK in recent years, evidence of a growing ‘gap’ between official and real-world driving CO2 emissions for new cars has received much attention, and Government has become increasingly aware of the risks this poses to the UK’s CO2 reduction efforts.


Supporting information

Test procedure impacts – overview table



7 September 2015

Type of publication:
Supporting research

Country focus:
