This is a report supporting Managing climate risks to well-being and the economy – Adaptation Sub-Committee progress report (July 2014).
The supporting research provides a spatial assessment of the exposure of a number of infrastructure assets to weather related hazards (for England only). Hazards considered include:
- coastal erosion,
- flooding from rivers, the sea, groundwater and surface water,
- natural landslides,
- shrink-swell subsidence, and
- river scour.
A selection of the reports key findings are summarised below.
- Shrink-swell subsidence and groundwater flooding returned the highest levels of exposure for Enlgand’s infrastructure assets (particularly in the most densely populated areas of England).
- The next highest level of exposure was flooding from rivers, sea and surface water.
- For all assets, exposure to coastal erosion and natural landslides was low.
The report was written by HR Wallingford.
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