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Letter: Adaptation in the UK’s Nationally Determined Contribution

1. Outline

This is a letter from Baroness Brown, Chair of the Adaptation Committee to Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP about adaptation in the UK’s Nationally Determined Contribution as the preparations for COP26 continue.

2. Key recommendations

The Committee’s letter states:

  • It will be important for the credibility of the Presidency to show increased ambition in preparing for the effects of climate change domestically, as well as supporting resilience-building overseas. Those should be showcased in the UK’s first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the global response to climate change.
  • Our most recent report found that the country is not yet prepared for the changes in the climate that are now inevitable, let alone higher levels of warming that are still possible if the world does not reach net-zero emissions quickly.
  • A sizeable shift in ambition is needed to meet your own pledge to “place adaptation at the heart of the post-Covid green recovery”.
  • Use the opportunity of the UK’s NDC to set out ambitious plans for adaptation domestically, alongside international commitments, including the announced doubling of investment in the International Climate Fund.

