1. Outline
This is a letter from Chris Stark, Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee to Michael Matheson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport in the Scottish Government. It outlines the CCC’s recommendation on changing the legislated 2020 emissions target in Scotland in response to a request from the Cabinet Secretary.
2. Key messages
- The Climate Change Committee’s recent Scottish Emissions Targets report recommended that Scotland’s annual greenhouse gas emissions targets should be adjusted in the 2020s.
- The Cabinet Secretary wrote to the Climate Change Committee requesting advice on modifying the legislated 2020 emissions target from 56% to a corresponding reduction of 48.5% compared to baseline levels, to make the emissions estimation methodology consistent with that expected to be used for the forthcoming annual targets.
- The Committee supported modification of the 2020 interim target, on the basis that it reflects a change in international carbon reporting practice.