1. Outline
This is a letter from Lord Deben, Chairman of the Climate Change Committee, to Graham Stuart MP, Minister of State. It highlights the outcomes of a Citizens’ Panel on home energy decarbonisation, which the CCC and Lancaster University collaborated on. It outlines the evidence which emerged from this process on the types of policies which homeowners wish to see to help them decarbonise their homes.
2. Key messages
- People accepted the need to make changes to their homes, and are willing to act. But they need well-designed policies which help them to do so.
- People expected the Government to provide leadership on delivering the changes required to their homes to reach Net Zero. They want the Government to set out clear, long-term policy programmes for doing so.
- People wanted clear, reliable and detailed information on the changes which will be needed to their homes, in order to reach Net Zero and reduce energy bills.
- When provided with information about the options for decarbonising their homes, people show strong support for a range of solutions. Many of these solutions align with recommendations from our recent Progress Report.