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Letter: Response to SNAP3

1. Outline

This is a letter from Baroness Brown, Chair of the Adaptation Committee of the Climate Change Committee, to the Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy, Màiri McAllan MSP, providing the CCC’s response to the draft third Scottish National Adaptation Plan (SNAP3).

2. Key messages

  • The draft SNAP contains proposed policies and actions that, if delivered effectively, could help move forward Scotland’s preparedness for climate change.
  • We encourage the Scottish Government to provide more detail on many of the policies that are currently in development and to bring forward new ambitious policy actions that will help move Scotland towards being well-adapted to climate change.
  • There remain important gaps in the structure of the programme that we believe should be rectified in the final version. These include setting specific and quantified targets for levels of resilience across Scottish society under each outcome of the SNAP, creating a clear framework to link SNAP activities to the outcomes, and explicitly assigning ownership for each outcome to a part of Government.
