1. Outline
This is a letter from Chris Stark, CCC Chief Executive, to Minister Arthur MSP, Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth on the draft fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4).
2. Key messages
The broad vision of NPF4 is generally compatible with advice from the Climate Change Committee. The plan also shows welcome progress on recommendations that the CCC has made over the past two years.
- Infrastructure decisions made today will substantially determine the achievement of the statutory climate goals in years to come. The CCC welcomes, therefore, the alignment between NPF4 and the Infrastructure Investment Plan.
- NPF4 focuses more on the vision for Scotland than on the types of planning applications that should or should not be supported. Much will rest on local implementation, so local policies and development plans must be well-aligned with the new Framework. It is unclear how the Scottish Government will ensure compliance with NPF4.