Proposed methodology for the
Seventh Carbon Budget advice

In early 2025 the Climate Change Committee (CCC) will advise the UK on the level of its Seventh Carbon Budget, the legal limit for UK net emissions of greenhouse gases over the years 2038 to 2042.

28 November 2023

Type of publication:
Carbon budgets

Country focus:

Carbon budgets, targets and progress

4. Engagement

Introduction and key messages

In addition to the expertise of our Committee members, a crucially important part of our analysis is the engagement that will inform our evidence base. Evidence will be gathered in the following ways.

(i) Call for evidence

Our call for evidence can be found on our webpage and is open until the 16th of January 2024. We invite feedback on our approach via responses to these questions.

(ii) Commissioned independent research

We are commissioning pieces of external independent research in several areas. These will be published alongside our advice.

(iii) Other stakeholder engagement

The CCC will be engaging with stakeholders throughout the commissioning and modelling of analysis as well as the publishing of the Seventh Carbon Budget and associated documents.

  • Engagement will take place both virtually and around the UK, to ensure we are reflective of views across the country.
  • The organisations and bodies we engage with will be listed in the final publication to showcase transparency.
  • In order to deliver against our remit, we will look to engage with:
    • UK and devolved government Ministers and their departments, MPs, MSPs, MSs, MLAs and representatives from the devolved governments as well as regional and local leaders.
    • Academics and experts, both in the UK and elsewhere.
    • Senior representatives in business and finance.
    • Leaders from relevant UK bodies, including but not limited to the National Infrastructure Commission, the Future System Operator, the Competition and Markets Authority and regulators for relevant sectors.
    • Relevant non-governmental organisations and charities.
    • Trades unions.
    • Relevant international organisations, including other countries’ Climate Councils tasked with providing similar advice to their governments.
    • Members of the public.
  • The CCC will deliver this engagement through either hosting and/or participating in expert advisory groups, broad stakeholder groups, roundtables, citizens panels and events.
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