Home / Publications / Scottish emissions targets 2028-2032 – The high ambition pathway towards a low-carbon economy

Scottish emissions targets 2028-2032 – The high ambition pathway towards a low-carbon economy

The Climate Change Act (Scotland) 2009 requires Scottish Ministers to request advice when setting Scottish climate change targets. This report sets out the Committee’s recommended annual emissions targets for Scotland for 2028-2032. The report finds that:

  • Scotland has made good progress in reducing its emissions to date.
  • In 2013, emissions had fallen by 38% on 1990 levels and are on track to exceed the target of 42% by 2020 set out in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act.
  • The Committee’s recommended emissions targets for 2028-2032 continue along that ambitious trajectory, putting Scotland on track for a reduction of at least 80% in 2050.


Supporting information (charts and data)

Transport Technical Annex

Emissions Reductions in the High Ambition scenario Figure 3.11

Related scenarios:

Agriculture and LULUCF

Aviation and shipping

Buildings CO2 heat

Domestic CO2 excluding heat

Industry CO2 includng heat

Non-domestic CO2 excluding heat


Traded sector cap


Waste and F-gases 
