1. Outline
In late 2019, the Committee launched a Call for Evidence to inform its advice to the UK Government on the Sixth Carbon Budget, due to be published in December 2020. In addition, the Committee sought input on Wales’ third carbon budget and interim emissions targets. These summary documents – one for the Sixth Carbon Budget and a second covering Wales’ carbon budget and emissions targets – provide an overview of the 170+ responses received, along with the original submissions which are also published below.
As background, in 2019 the UK Government and Parliament adopted the Climate Change Committee’s (CCC) recommendation to reduce UK emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to Net Zero by 2050 (at least a 100% reduction in emissions compared to 1990 levels). The Climate Change Act 2008 requires the Committee to provide advice to the Government about the appropriate level for each carbon budget (sequential five-year caps on GHGs) on the path to the long-term target. To date, in line with advice from the Committee, five carbon budgets have been legislated covering the period to 2032. The Sixth Carbon Budget covers the period from 2033-37.
2. Summary of responses
The Call for Evidence received 177 responses from across business and industry, NGOs, academia and from individuals. All submissions have been standardised and personal information removed. For queries about submissions to the CCC, please contact the individual organisation. In summary:
- 18% of respondents answered at least one question in all five sections.
- The vast majority of respondents (nearly 80%) answered at least one sector-specific question.
- One third of respondents answered questions relating to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (section D).
Read the Summary of responses to the Call for Evidence on Welsh emissions targets.
3. Academic, think tank and research centre respondents
- Active Building Centre
- Adressing Value of Energy and Nature Together Programme UKERC, UCL
- Andy Goulson, University of Leeds
- Ben Anderson, University of Southampton
- British Geological Survey
- Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)
- Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST), University of Cardiff
- Centre for Energy Policy, University of Strathclyde
- Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions, University of Leeds
- Centre for Sustainable Road Freight, University of Cambridge
- Climate Econometrics Research Program, University of Oxford
- Dave Reay, University of Edinburgh
- Energy Policy Group, University of Exeter
- Letter – Energy Systems Catapult
- EPSRC Freight Traffic Control Project, University of Southampton
- European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC)
- Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College
- Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
- Kevin Anderson and Isak Stoddard, University of Manchester and Uppsala University
- Living Well Within Limits Project, University of Leeds
- National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds
- Nixon Sunny, Imperial College London
- Priestley International Centre for Climate, University of Leeds
- Letter – Stephen Salter, University of Edinburgh
- Stockholm Environment Institute (Oxford Centre)
- Supergen Bioenergy Hub
4. Business, industry and trade body respondents
- ADS Group
- Agricultural Engineers Association
- Agricultural Industries Confederation
- Aldersgate Group
- Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA)
- Anglo American
- Arcadis
- Arup
- Atkins
- British Ceramic Confederation (BCC)
- British Hydropower Association
- British Industrial Truck Association
- British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association
- Calor Gas
- Carbon Intelligence
- Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
- Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation
- Chemical Industries Association
- Confederation of Forest Industries
- Confederation of Paper Industries
- Confederation of Passenger Transport
- Construction Equipment Association
- Country Land and Business Association
- Decarbonised Gas Alliance
- Deloitte
- Drax
- E.ON
- Energy and Utilities Alliance
- Energy Intensive Users Group
- Energy Networks Association
- Energy UK
- Equinor
- Flogas
- Freight Transport Association
- Greenbackers Investment Capital
- Halsette Energy Consulting
- Heat Pump Association
- High Speed Rail Group
- HS2 Ltd
- Intelligent Innovation
- Intelligent Land Investments Group
- Jacobs
- Liquid Gas UK
- Logan PM
- Manchester Airports Group
- Letter – Meat Promotion Wales
- Mineral Products Association
- Morecambe Bay Conservation Grazing Co
- National Express
- National Farmers’ Union
- National Farmers’ Union Cymru
- National Farmers’ Union Scotland
- National Federation of Roofing Contractors
- National Grid
- Natural Gas Vehicle Network
- Nuclear Industry Association
- Oil and Gas UK
- Orsted
- Passivhaus Trust
- Renewable Energy Association
- Renewable UK
- Road Haulage Association
- Royal Institute of British Architects
- Royal Town Planning Institute
- RWE and Innogy
- Sandgate Enterprises
- Scotch Whiskey Association
- Scottish Power
- Solar Trade Association
- Storelectric
- Sustainable Energy Association
- Tata Steel
- Tech UK
- The Association for Decentralised Energy
- The Carbon Capture and Storage Association
- The Carbon Mark project
- The Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders
- Letter – Tidal Lagoon Power
- Letter – UK Chamber of Shipping
- UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association
- UK Onshore Oil and Gas
- UK Power Networks
- UK Steel
- Vattenfall
- Veolia
- Wales and West Utilities
5. Non-governmental organisation respondents
- Arundel Bypass Neighbourhood Committee
- Aviation Environment Federation
- Bedfordshire Climate Change Forum
- Beicio Bangor
- Bellona Foundation
- Biofuelwatch, Dogwood Alliance, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Southern Environmental Law Center
- Campaign to Protect Rural England
- Carbon Free Group
- Christian Aid
- ClientEarth
- Friends of the Earth
- Friends of the Earth, Scotland
- Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
- Global Witness
- Green Alliance
- Joan Pye Project
- National Energy Action
- Platform London
- Royal Horticultural Society
- Sheffield Climate Alliance
- Size of Wales
- Stay Grounded Network
- Stretton Climate Care
- Sustainable Food Trust
- Trees and Design Action Group
- Woodknowledge Wales
6. Other and individual respondents
- Alexandra Phillips, Green Party (Former Green Party MEP for South East England)
- Allen Samuel, Independent Consultant
- Amalie Fisher
- Bill Thicknes
- Brian Drummond, Independent Researcher
- Charles Stirling, BSc, PhD
- Chris Lowe
- Crown Estate Scotland
- David Dwyer
- EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee, House of Lords
- Glenn Strachan
- Historic Environment Scotland
- John Bacon
- Michael Jenkins
- Michael Lomotey FRSA
- Letter – Paula Klaentschi
- Richard Ebley
- Briefing – Shared by Robert Palgrave
- Rupert Fausset, Independent Sustainability Consultant
- Steve Ketteringham
- Timothy Rickman