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The Renewable Energy Review

This report sets the Committee’s advice on the potential for renewable energy development in the UK, and advice on whether existing targets should be reviewed.

The Committee was asked to provide this advice as part of the Coalition Agreement in May 2010.

The report contains new analysis of technical feasibility and economic viability of renewable and other low-carbon energy technologies and scenarios for renewable energy deployment to 2030.


Exhibits – supporting data for each chapter

Supporting research:


Limited numbers of the CCC’s full report were printed. The report was printed using waterless printing, 100% renewable energy and vegetable oil based inks on paper with 100% recycled content, FSC, EMAS and ISO 14001 certified.

Technical annexes

Time preference, costs of capital and hidden costs

In assessing costs and benefits, the Committee aims to follow Green Book principles. The appropriate discount rate for use in appraisal is a recurring issue in our modelling. This note aims to provide further guidance on our approach.
