The Adaptation Sub-Committee engaged with key stakeholders in Government, arm’s length bodies and other organisations throughout the process of compiling the Evidence Report. The report was peer reviewed by a technical review panel, alongside stakeholder and external reviewers.
Stakeholder engagement took several forms:
- An initial open call for evidence in 2014 to collect papers and other information relevant to the CCRA chapters.
- Large stakeholder workshops in 2014 and 2015 (approximately 100 people at each) to discuss the CCRA method and emerging urgency scores.
- Smaller chapter-specific meetings throughout the process (approximately 10 – 20 people per meeting) to discuss the key policy areas to which the chapter relates, understand what policy-makers and practitioners perceive the major risks and opportunities to be, and to check for gaps in evidence. Separate workshops have been held in each of the four UK countries.
The approach and outputs of this CCRA have been reviewed by three separate review groups; an international peer review panel of 25 technical reviewers led by Professor Nigel Arnell (University of Reading); around 100 stakeholder organisations from Government and its arm’s length bodies; and a smaller group of around 50 other organisations who applied to be external reviewers. The technical peer review group has also quality assured the changes made by the report authors in response to the peer review comments, to check that all major comments have been dealt with appropriately.
The full review comments logs for the technical chapters and national summaries are available to download on this page.
Research Conference 2016
In November 2016, the Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change hosted a conference at the Royal Society in London to identify existing work that could help to address the research gaps highlighted by the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence Report.
Speakers included the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Sir Mark Walport, Defra’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Professor Ian Boyd, and Lord Krebs, then Chair of the Adaptation Sub-Committee.
Lord Krebs summarised the key evidence gaps in a letter to the research councils and accompanying evidence gaps spreadsheet, all of which are available to download on this page.