Looking for a snapshot of climate-related risks and opportunities for the UK? Or a summary of a technical chapter? You’ll find it here.
- Read the report: UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 – Synthesis report: priorities for the next five years.
- Read the report press release.
- Watch a video of Lord Krebs, former Chairman of the CCC’s Adaptation Sub-Committee, setting out the report’s key findings.
- Watch a short animation, highlighting the urgent risks facing the UK from climate change.
- Take a look at the slide pack to accompany the CCRA report.
Download a series of 2-page fact sheets explaining the report’s methodology, and setting out key climate-related risks and opportunities for the UK, sector by sector.
- Fact sheet: What is the CCRA Evidence Report?
- Fact sheet: Key messages from the Synthesis Report
- Fact sheet: Natural environment and natural assets
- Fact sheet: Infrastructure
- Fact sheet: People and the built environment
- Fact sheet: Business and industry
- Fact sheet: International dimensions
- Fact sheet: Cross-cutting issues
Download a set of infographics to accompany the report.
- Infographic: Natural environment and natural assets
- Infographic: Infrastructure
- Infographic: People and the built environment
- Infographic: Business and industry
- Infographic: International dimensions
For media enquiries / to arrange an interview, please contact the CCC’s communications team: communications@theccc.gsi.gov.uk, 0207 591 6262 or send us a tweet @theCCCuk