Home / News / News / Scottish Environment Minister welcomes CCC’s calls for a step change in the the pace of emissions reductions to meet carbon budgets – 29 October 2009

Scottish Environment Minister welcomes CCC’s calls for a step change in the the pace of emissions reductions to meet carbon budgets – 29 October 2009

David Kennedy, Chief Executive of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) was today joined by Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth, John Swinney, at the Scottish launch of the Committee’s first annual report to Parliament.

David Kennedy said:

“It is essential that much more effort is made in reducing emissions. This will require leadership at UK and national levels. The Scottish Government has an important role to play in unlocking the significant opportunities for emissions reductions in our buildings, on our roads and in the generation of electricity. Progress has been made but further progress is needed if emissions are to be reduced as required“

Speaking at the event in Edinburgh the Minister said:

“Climate change is the biggest environmental threat that we face and the Scottish Government has a clear duty to support international action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We recognise that climate change will have far reaching effects on Scotland’s economy, its people and its environment and are committed to playing our part in rising to this challenge.”
