Following the recent extreme episodes of flooding, Lord Krebs, Chairman of the Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) has written to Owen Paterson MP advising on the preparation of a sustainable, long-term plan to address the risk of flooding for the Somerset Levels and Moors.
The letter sets out five high-level suggestions which include:
1. The plan should recognise the increasing risk of flooding from climate change
2. The plan should consider the full range of causes of flood risk on the Levels
3. The plan should be sustainable, and cost effective
4. The plan should focus on how to adapt to the increased risk of flooding, and be responsive to new evidence
5. Responsibility should be shared for funding and delivering the plan
The ASC has gathered and considered a range of evidence including previous studies and the government’s Climate Change Risk Assessment in producing the suggestions for the 20-year plan. The analysis is set out in depth in the annex (updated 29/04/2014) to the letter.
Lord Krebs, Chairman of the ASC, said: “Flooding has been identified as one of the most significant climate risks facing the UK. It is essential that we put a sustainable, cost-effective plan in place to build resilience and begin to adapt to increasing flood risk. This is particularly important in exposed areas like the Somerset Levels.”