Proposed methodology for the Fourth Climate Change Risk Assessment – Independent Assessment (CCRA4-IA) 

In 2026 the Climate Change Committee (CCC) will deliver its assessment of the risks and opportunities from climate change and the potential for adaptation to address them.

15 May 2024

Type of publication:
UK climate risk

Country focus:


4. Engagement

A crucially important part of our analysis to inform CCRA4-IA is engagement with relevant experts and stakeholders from across sectors. We will conduct a programme of engagement that will inform our evidence base and advice to government.

Evidence will be gathered in the following ways:

  • A call for evidence: a call for evidence is now available. It will seek to ensure that we are aware of all of the most relevant and up-to-date information on UK climate risk and adaptation to inform the production of CCRA4-IA.
  • Steering groups for research projects: commissioned research projects to inform the Well-Adapted Report will be steered by a group comprising relevant expert and stakeholder representatives to ensure that the research produces the most relevant and useful information for the purposes of the CCRA4-IA and subsequent adaptation delivery.
  • Bespoke stakeholder engagement: the CCC will be regularly engaging with relevant stakeholders throughout the commissioning and modelling of analysis as well as the publishing of the CCRA4-IA to ensure that all aspects of our work are well informed and that we hear a wide range of voices and perspectives. For example, we will ensure:
    • Engagement takes place both virtually and around the UK and covering all four nations, to ensure we are reflective of views across the country.
    • The organisations and bodies we engage with are listed in the final publication to showcase transparency.

To deliver against our remit, we will look to engage with:

  • UK and devolved government ministers and their departments, MPs, MSPs, MSs, MLAs and representatives from the devolved governments as well as regional and local leaders.
  • Academics and experts, both in the UK and elsewhere.
  • Senior representatives in business and finance.
  • Leaders from relevant UK bodies, including but not limited to other key advisory and adaptation delivery bodies as well as regulators for relevant sectors.
  • Relevant non-governmental organisations and charities.
  • Relevant international organisations, including other countries’ Climate Councils tasked with providing similar advice to their governments.
  • Members of the public.

The CCC will deliver this engagement through either hosting and/or participating in expert advisory groups, broad stakeholder groups, roundtables and events.

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