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Meeting Carbon Budgets – 2012 Progress Report to Parliament

The Committee on Climate Change’s 2012 progress report looks at emissions trends over the past year and evaluates underlying progress in implementing carbon-reduction measures and policies in the UK.  It assesses performance of government policies in driving down emissions – including in areas such as Electricity Market Reform, the Green Deal and Carbon Capture & Storage.

The report finds that Greenhouse Gas Emissions fell by 7%. But only 0.8% of this can be linked directly to implementation of proactive carbon lowering measures. This means the rate of underlying progress is only a quarter of what’s needed to meet future carbon budgets. The report also highlights challenges which remain across key issue areas namely: lack of investment in renewable energy and low carbon power; energy efficiency and renewable heat in buildings; and cleaner transport and travel.

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Supporting data and research cited in the report

Technical appendix

In order to make a judgement about whether the UK is on track to meet its climate goals in a transparent and evidenced based way, we assess progress against a suite of indicators, first set out in chapter 3 of our 2009 progress report and supporting technical annex.

This paper provides a complete set of information on progress against these indicators, to complement the key messages set out in the main report.

Meeting the Carbon Budgets – 2012 Progress Report to Parliament
