Home / Publications / Net Zero Power and Hydrogen: Capacity Requirements for Flexibility (AFRY)

Net Zero Power and Hydrogen: Capacity Requirements for Flexibility (AFRY)

1. Outline

In line with CCC advice the Government has committed to decarbonise electricity supply by 2035, subject to security of supply. In order to be able to monitor and track progress towards meeting this objective, the CCC commissioned AFRY to develop a set of indicators for the electricity supply and hydrogen production sectors.

These indicators particularly focus on the flexibility solutions required to balance a renewables-based system. They build on new modelling also undertaken for the report, setting out what a decarbonised electricity and hydrogen system could look like in 2035 on the pathway to 2050. The detail underpinning AFRY’s modelling is set out in two reports: a main report covering the modelling approach, core scenarios, sensitivities, and indicators, plus a shorter document containing further additional sensitivities.
