This is the Committee’s 2015 Progress Report to Parliament. It covers both progress towards meeting carbon budgets and progress on adaptation to climate change. It includes the Adaptation Sub-Committee’s first ever statutory assessment of the National Adaptation Programme.
The report comes in 3 volumes:
- Reducing emissions and preparing for climate change: 2015 Progress Report to Parliament: Summary and recommendations
- Meeting Carbon Budgets – Progress in reducing the UK’s emissions: 2015 Report
- Progress in preparing for climate change: 2015 Report to Parliament
Supporting research
- BVG Associates (2015) Approaches to cost-reduction in offshore wind
- HR Wallingford (2015) for the ASC: Update analysis of the number of properties located in areas at risk of flooding and coastal erosion in England
Supporting Data
Volume 2: Meeting Carbon Budgets – Progress in reducing the UK’s emissions: 2015 Report to Parliament
Charts and graphs
- Overview
- Chapter 1: Power
- Chapter 2: Buildings
- Chapter 3: Industry
- Chapter 4: Transport
- Chapter 5: Agriculture
- Chapter 6: Waste and F-gases
- Chapter 7: Devolved administrations
- Final UK emissions figures for 2014
Technical annexes
- Overview
- Annex 1: Power
- Annex 2: Buildings
- Annex 3: Industry
- Annex 4: Transport
- Annex 5: Agriculture
- Annex 6: Waste F-gases
- Annex 7: Devolved administrations
Volume 3: Progress in preparing for climate change: 2015 Report to Parliament
Charts and graphs
- Overview
- Chapter 2: Built environment
- Chapter 4: Healthy and resilient communities
- Chapter 5: Agriculture and forestry
- Chapter 7: Business
- Chapter 8: Local government
Technical annexes
- Annex 1: NAP actions
- Annex 2: Built Environment
- Annex 3: Infrastructure
- Annex 4: Healthy and resilient communities
- Annex 5: Agriculture and forestry
- Annex 6: Natural environment
- Annex 7: Business chapter
- New development in flood risk areas: updated figures (February 2016)
ASC indicators
Related Publications
- Local authority action on climate change adaptation (by JBA and LUC)
- Soil erosion and water use in agriculture (by Cranfield University)
- Potential Carbon Capture and Storage Cost Reduction Mechanisms (by Pöyry and Element Energy)
- Cost reduction in carbon capture and storage and offshore wind (by Imperial)
- People and Business
- Natural environment
- Carbon budgets, targets and progress
- Transport
- Climate science and international action
- Waste and fluorinated gases
- Coastal change
- Water scarcity
- Energy demand and bills
- Flooding
- Health
- Heat and energy efficiency in buildings
- Adaptation
- High temperatures
- Infrastructure
- Agriculture, land use and forestry
- Low-carbon energy